

Costume jewellery manufacturer Germany

one-off and small series production

We have been producing glassart in Germany for 29 years. We produce handmade costume jewellery for retail and wholesale, small series as well as one-offs.

Ring Grafik Ausschnitt

About us

Find out more about us

29 years of handcrafted glass design

Galerie Glaswerk was founded in Berlin in August 1984. We offered a wide range of functional and decorative glass, glass objects, special one-off pieces and glass jewellery. In June 2000 we moved the studio to the Rhineland-Palatinate in South Germany. Our main focus is the production of glass costume jewellery.

Glass design for 29 years

Our business has existed for more than 25 years and its history is extensively documented. Enjoy this little journey through time...

Here you can find the web presence of 2009

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Handmade in Germany

All products are manufactured in Germany. We do NOT source the production process out to third countries. We do NOT sell import goods! All elements used like necklaces etc. are EXCLUSIVELY sourced from German companies.


Click to view our jewellery

Glass custom jewellery

You can find all products in the wholesale area.
Non-trade buyers will find a choice of products on our trading partner´s website
Click here to view the catalogue online.
You will find all articles in the category pictures as well.
Have a look at our diverdesign jewelery here.

Please choose from the following series...

Glass design for 29 years

Glass jewellery with symbols

We can embed your symbols, logotypes and initials in our glass jewellery. If you have questions or other ideas of any kind, we will be glad to provide further information.
Read on...

chakra logo ausschnitt


Our projects

For art and handcraft

Click here to find a selection of our current projects and links to the websites of glass designers and craftspeople.

News blog

In our blog, you will find a lot of information about and links to the websites of glass designers and craftspeople. All market dates are announced in the blog. We try to announce all news immediatedly and provide detailed information.

History of Galerie Glaswerk

Here you will find the documentation of the 29 years history of our business. Join us on a journey through time „back to the roots”. Click here to view the history.

Click here to find designers, craftspeople or artists who mainly use glass to create their artworks. This site provides a well illustrated insight into the various techniques that can be used to process glass.

= Galerie Glaswerk

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Merchandise for retailers and non-trade buyers

Galerie Glaswerk for retailers

We sell to trade only. The only exceptions are Christmas and Art markets.

The next wholesale trade show to find us:

"Ambiente" Frankfurt , 12. - 16. February 2016 - Halle 9.2E78
More information

How to get a password...

Please send us your VAT number and/or proof of business via telefax +49 7274 779178 or via e-mail. Be so kind to tell us about your business. Are you shop-owner, wholesaler, importer or similar? Your name, adress and country are evident as we have sales reps in some parts of the world. (We will definetely ignore "empty" mails with "send password" in the subject line). If this information is missing, we cannot give you access to our shop. - trading partner

You will find the dates of current or future retail shows in our News blog.
Our trading partner offers a huge range of our products for non-trade buyers. On, you will not only find glass jewellery, but also decorative glasses, Christmas articles, one-offs of well known glass designers and glass artwork.


How to contact us

Further information

Please notice that we have no showrooms. Trading customers are invited to visit us on request for further insight. Due to the permanent time-consuming production process, we have no opportunity to receive non-trade buyers.

  • Contact

    • Phone:
    • +49 - 7274 779157
    • Fax:
    • +49 - 7274 779178
    • post
  • Address

  • Kirchstraße 2
    76726 Germersheim
  • Links

    • DasGlas Designer Trinkglas
    • Glasschmuckmacher
    • diverdesign jewelery of Rainer Schrade